Monday, April 11, 2016

So much to do

From M:

So much good stuff is happening!  This weekend (4/9) we went to Charlotte to visit Phoebe and Todd and to participate in our first ALS walk as Team23+ (thanks to Catherine, one of Todd's soccer mom's, for signing everyone up!).  I had no idea what to expect but I truly didn't expect so many people to be there to walk behind my banner.

I was saying "hello" and "thank you so much for being here" over and over and gloriously over for an hour. They just kept coming. Phoebe and Todd have amazing friends. Some traveled from Asheville and Boone and Durham, some brought their spouses, their friends, they brought tiny babies, they brought dogs, there were a few amazing soccer players from the team Todd coaches and the team he plays with (more on these amazing men later), another precious friend brought doughnuts and huge red "2" and "3" balloons and one great friend of Phoebe's drove from outside of Asheville with her husband, 2 little kids and her brand new baby to walk with me. Amazing!  At one point during the walk, Phoebe and Catron ran me (in my temporary wheel chair, BluGo) ahead of my team and turned me around so I could see everyone.

I couldn't breathe for a second and my eyes started sweating. There were so many people!!!  A huge testament to the love Phoebe and Todd have pulled in to support us in this ALS journey.  It gives me real hope that awareness and funding for ALS are growing daily. I know my big red bubble of love and support is so much bigger than I could ever imagine. I love every single one of the people who were there on Saturday, in person and in spirit. Thank you to the moon!

The big red bubble of love.

1 comment:

  1. That's AWESOME!!! I can't wait to see everyone this Saturday!!!
